This image series shows Artglass WW, Artglass WW UV, Museum Glass and Ultra Vue in side by side comparisons over a synthetic black target with RGB steps from 1 – 20 printed from a Canon iPF8400 printer on Epson Hot Press Natural paper. Illuminated by overhead daylight, camera angled perpendicularly to glass. These over black examples are remarkably revealing, especially under the diffused light conditions there were captured in. Only Artglass WW perfectly preserves the black density of the print, with nary a hint of reflection glare. Note the reflection glare (and outline of the camera in the reflection!) on UltraVue and Museum Glass and its green tint, and Artglass WW UV with its bluish tint. Truly outstanding performance from Artglass WW.
In this series, to show the change in reflection color, the camera was repositioned to 60 degrees from the glass:
With the camera lowered to 30 degrees relative to the glass: